Our initiatives represent areas of work where we have been able to go deeper and build focused expertise over time. Underpinned by strong partnerships, these long-term explorations have allowed us to iterate our approach and lean into adjacent opportunities.
MatR (Material Registry) is an open source web tool designed to reimagine our relationship with buildings by logging and monitoring their materials and performance data. DML is working with partners to prototype and test this approach.
Re:Permissioning the City
Re:Permissioning the City is a community-led governance and permissions system which interrogates how we use, manage and share urban space. It takes as a starting point the numerous vacant and underutilised spaces that opened up due to the pandemic and larger demographic and industrial restructuring, with the intention to aggregate and unlock them for civic uses.
Trees as Infrastructure
TreesAI is creating the required infrastructure to help cities and local communities secure funding for urban trees and green spaces.
Radicle Civics
Radicle civics aims to explore, through intentional practice, alternative pathways of organising the future, based on positive visions of distributed agency and a super-diverse public.
Cornerstone Indicators
The Cornerstone Indicator concept is centred on reimagining metrics and indicators as tools for radical civic empowerment. In this project we formed a tri-partnership with Samhällskontraktet and the citizens of Västerås in Sweden, to co-develop a set of intuitively understandable indicators designed to measure a thriving life.
Cities’ role in the climate transition is more important than ever, and they are leading on climate action, but significant structural barriers hinder progress.
CircuLaw shows local governments how to accelerate the circular transition. They offer legal instruments based on Dutch legislation per product chain. They also provide insight into European legislation.
Beyond the Rules
A practice-orientated inquiry into the governance structures and organising methods - and their underlying rules - required in response to the 21st century's complex social challenges.