team member


Fostering transformative thinking and action for future city and community building and Earth stewardship

7GenCities is a new collaborative focused on transformative thinking and action for future city and community building and Earth stewardship. It is a commons where people can connect and share work and ideas, and build collaborations and deep demonstrations to manifest city transformation and civic reworlding together, including the multiple infrastructures required for that. 7GenCities draws on foundational global work featured in Sacred Civics: Building Seven Generation Cities. Key bundles for seeding the work include: field building through imagination spaces, manifesting 7GenCities through system demonstrators, and hosting a 7GenCities commons for connecting and sharing work; hosting a Learning Community of Indigenous-municipal-civic city cohorts to share reciprocal learning on social infrastructure that embeds Truth & Reconciliation; and contributing to social finance innovation for building this work long term.

Another key initiative of Dark Matter Labs and 7GenCities is Civic-Indigenous 7.0 and Micro-Treaties with the Earth. This collaboration between Dark Matter Labs and many other partners explores how we can reimagine our laws and governance systems to rethink property rights and responsibilities and environmental stewardship at the intersection of civic and Indigenous futures. This work aims at supporting Indigenous natural laws, self-governance, and demonstrations of pathways for moving beyond private property models to transform our systemic and spiritual relationships with land, such that land has agency and is self-sovereign.