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Building smart civics to unlock community transitions in response to the climate crisis

To address the climate crisis, we need to complement radical policies with an increased capacity for communities to organise and adapt to a new reality. Doing this requires better tools and methods for mobilising large groups of people to take action, reducing associated costs, and advancing the value of collaboration. CivicAI explores three future use cases that bring together groups of people and AI to unlock community transitions in response to the climate crisis.

1. Connected urban forest: People and machines collaborate to map, monitor and maintain the urban forest, helping to measure its holistic benefits and model its aggregated impact to help unlock new mechanisms for funding and caring.

2. Collective climate action: Combining collective intelligence and AI to help communities undertake sensemaking, simulate the impact of, and commit to, climate positive actions - providing the tools to support a new form of collective deliberation.

3. Participatory energy: Developing AI systems to help with the set-up, operation, and maintenance of zero-carbon community energy initiatives and model their aggregated financial and social outcomes.