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Civic-Indigenous 7.0

Exploring the intersection of Indigenous and civic futures

In Canada, Indigenous and non-Indigenous people both currently live under self-terminating paradigms. Indigenous people are systemically marginalized and are suffering under the Indian Act, and both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples are increasingly robbed of good health and wellbeing and are dying under ecocide and increasingly unequal systems. We need to re-imagine our laws, our governance systems and transform our systemic and spiritual relationships with land and nature, and we need each other to get there.

In collaboration with Cities for People at the McConnell Foundation, the Centre for First Nations Governance and many other partners, Dark Matter Labs is working on exploring the intersection of Indigenous and civic futures. Through research, workshops and the development of proofs of possibilities, this work aims at supporting Indigenous self-governance and developing governing systems at the intersection of property rights and the rights of nature that could play out across both Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts.