Viable Cities - Swedish National Platform for Climate Neutral Cities 2030
Supporting transition working with local governments, to achieve a global transition
Viable Cities is a Swedish national platform for Climate Neutral Cities 2030 initiative, comprising 48 Swedish municipalities, encompassing 50% of the Swedish population. Since the start of Viable Cities in 2018, Dark Matter Labs has been a partner, co-creating explorative methodologies and practices for how to support municipalities in becoming climate neutral, through identifying key areas of intervention along with the strategic risks and opportunities linked to them.
Why work with cities?
Cities are crucial places for implementing the transition. They are the economic engines of our 21st century economy, accounting for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions.
Climate change is a symptom of a structural code failure of our society, and a complex problem deeply entangled with our ways of living and producing which cannot be addressed from one policy field in isolation. This involves stretching the transition landscape and catalysing bold actions to reframe our institutions for equitable and circular economy, responsible and groundbreaking technological development and the cultural/behavioural shifts toward sustainable and entrepreneurial society while building a robust portfolio of options that recognises contextual and cultural factors ensuring a fair and just transition.
The Mission for Climate Neutral and Sustainable Cities 2030 represents a global movement enacted at the local level. Numerous cities worldwide acknowledge their contribution to planetary pressures and recognize their significant capacity to effect change within their respective jurisdictions and geographies. Irrespective of national governmental actions, cities are empowered to take initiative and implement local reforms. Collaboration and knowledge exchange among cities addressing critical societal challenges will expedite the transition for those following suit.
The 48 Swedish cities have countless efforts underway, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact by saving energy, establishing circular practices, creating mobility and accessibility for all, engaging and including more people, to govern and lead in new ways. And they are all sharing their experiences working together to shift norms and create the new normal: climate-neutral cities by 2030 - with a good life for all, within the planet boundaries…
Consequently, Dark Matter Labs are deeply committed to supporting cities in Sweden, in Europe and globally that are engaged in a shared endeavor of local transition. In this common effort, we work with many various organizations, including Viable Cities, such as the European Union, the Covenant of Mayors, UN Habitat, WRI etc to facilitate collaborative efforts among cities.